The Co-MoMs Take Houston.


The Novice Project of Sister Donna Giva-Fuk



Sister Donna’s Novice Project proves that she really DOES Givafuk! Some people think it can be awkward to meet the parents of the partner you are courting. Well, it is WORSE when the partner you are courting is the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence!

Donna worked with Sister Unity and Sister Faegala to get them down to Houston to reunite for the first time in YEARS. They came with their gowns, their jewels, their antics, and their wisdom. Whether is was bonding moments at Woodlands Pride or Bar Ministry in Montrose, memories were made and the kids were educated.

On Sunday, we had the opportunity to sit down for some workshops about rituals, theatre, and sharing our hearts with our Sisters. It was a wonderful opportunity to help the house learn about themselves and their potential.