Meet the Order


Board of Directors

Sister Zsa Zsa Galor - Mistress Of the House

Zsa Zsa Galor was summoned by a Sister on Halloween, and realized her spirit burned brighter in a veil. She loves glamour just as much as she loves helping others... depending on the day. She has worked professionally with suicidal youth in Atlanta, and volunteered with Meals on Wheels in Fort Worth. Her mission as a Sister, is to let others know they are seen and heard just as much as they see the flowers adorning her head and hear her clacking heals.

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Guard oliver yerphase - Master of Novices

Guard Oliver has transferred to Space City from our northerly cousins in the DFW Region. He first heard of the SPI as a newly out member of the LGBTQIA+ community. He was captivated by their method of performing community service fabulously. Before being out to the world, he volunteered yearly for Houston Pride festival for 3 years. His journey as a Guard has led him to volunteer to call homeless and at-risk LGBT+ teens in NYC to ensure they had food and hygiene kits during the COVID-19 pandemic delivered to them. His mission as a Guard is to make the people in his community feel both safer and less alone when they are at an event. He wishes to help provide a space where people can heal and support other members in the community.

Sister Gin Tervention - Mistress of Scripture & Tithes and Alms

Sister Gin has spent 9 years raising funds and advocating for HIV/AIDS awareness and support, as a previous First Family of Montrose, as well as being a past President of the Bayou City Pups, Houston’s largest human puppy play organization. Their first experience with a sister left them shook, and rapidly googling the phrase “Drag Nun.” From there they’ve been forced into a regular skin care regimen, and devotes their time to LGBTQ+ causes around Texas. Sister Gin has gone on to be an outspoken character against shame and stigma, as well as been featured in several hate group propaganda pieces. Outside of the habit she is an elementary educator, professional drunkard, and an overall colorful personae.

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Fully Professed Members

Sister kitty lickentwat

During her long, LONG life… she has been involved with the LGBTQ+ community for well over 20 years. They identify as a genderqueer person, and has for nearly their entire life. They were drawn to the Sisters after many years of supporting the organization in other cities and being disappointed at the lack of a House in Houston. Over the years, Kitty has been involved in fundraising and activism across the US, Canada, and even in Europe. Kitty, ironically enough, is also a founder and current board member for the Bayou City Pups. Kitty wishes to spread love, light, and peace to the community in the dark times we find ourselves in currently. Kitty has been blessed with a community that has supported them unconditionally through some very rough times, and believes that giving back is the only sensible thing for a Nun to do! Sister Kitty has been nominated for Pride Houston’s 2022 Non-Binary Grand Marshall!

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Sister Karen ForSinners

Although this homo was born in Atlanta she now calls Houston home. Karen has a big heart for Pride Community involvement, and a bad joke. You can often find her on her knees in submission. She will also bring you to your knees because you won't be able to .... Stand her! If you ever see her out say hi and give her a hug.


Novice Members


Novice sister Elvira L’outbreak

.A founding member of the Space City Sisters and our original Mistress of the House. As life is often want to do, it got in the way for a time, but Sister Elvira has been returned to the convent and is ready to pick up where they left off.


Novice Sister Lamina

Returning to us from the days of yore, Sister Lamina cannot wait to join the ranks of nuns doing the Lord’s work. Out and about often as sister Lamina, or otherwise Sue-Age Debris, she has always worked to better those around her, even if it’s just by comparison.




Postulant Taxa Du’me

Postulant Sister Taxa was accepted into the abbey immediately preceding the onset of global pandemic. She’ll get back to you.

Postulant Mary wanda

We look forward to the day when Sister Mary will descend from on high.


Freebirds - Sisters Who’ve Flown the Coop

Sister Donna giva-fuk

What's in a name? You'd find out upon meeting Sister Donna "Big D" Giva-Fuk! Houston's very own ticking timebomb of a good time, Donna provides balance in the community whether it's through charitable causes or simply the appropriate vodka to water ratio. A southern belle at heart, this country nun enjoys hosting events, giving back to the needy, and being outspoken for the sake of talking... read "sociable". If you ever need advice or someone's threatening you, find Sister Donna, because she is sure to provide a Giva-Fuk moment!

  • Sister Donna is now a member of the Los Angeles Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and will always maintain a special place in our hearts.



Sister Jenna Say-Quoi

Sister Jenna Say-Quoi embodies the Ho in HOPE and J.O.s to JOY! A transplant to Houston, with roots in Florida and a speckled past in NYC, this tri-state, bipolar, Mono inclined hooker with a heart of gold has always been cum-unity oriented by focusing on outreach, education, and fundraising. With VIP access to multiple clinics, sexual health advocacy and acceptance are always topics literally near and dear to Jenna and various AIDS Walks have benefited from her efforts. Lobbying with the ACLU good-touched Jenna at an early age, sparking concerns for the trans community, homeless LGBTQ youth, and senior community integration/involvement, all marginalized groups her current missionary works will prioritize assisting. Always upbeat, or else asleep, Jenna encourages you to live by her Vedic mantra, “If in doubt, put out… your best.”

  • Sister Jenna is now a member of the Los Angeles Sister of Perpetual Indulgence and resides in Florida to pursue her higher education. She will always have a special place in our hearts.

Sisters Emeritus

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Sister Anne Tifa

The horniest borderline asexual sister (keep it in your pants- she’s a unicorn), Anne Tifa has been doing charity through drag since 2015, first through the Houston Gaymers and now with the Space City Sisters. You can still occasionally catch her on stage and out of a habit by the name of Christian Virtue. Anne goes about her ministry in two ways: She is full of trivia and loves to spread fun facts, and she sticks out in a crowd to let everyone know sticking out isn’t so bad. The most important part of knowing who you are and who you want to be is knowing who you can be.


GUARD Marv’l kahmic/ Sister Shleeta Baby

Started at the bottom now I’m … still a bottom? A founder in the Cincinnati sisters Guard Marv'l Kahmic / Sister Shleeta Baby made their way to Texas in 2019 and joined SCS as a transfer member. As an enby queer they have a passion for making room for people who live in-between the lines on the gender spectrum as they explore their own identity while punching nazis with fist full of glitter, because as we all know it’s the queers best weapon of defense. They're here, they're queer, they really just wish they could eat some cheese cake right now.

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Sister Leia Weigh

Sister Leia Weigh is the resident hoe with a heart of green of the Space City Sisters. She has always focused on bringing positivity to those around her and helping others to understand the importance of Undetectable = Untransmitable. She works to change the communities perspectives on people living with HIV and AIDS and helping to educate people on gender and encouraging those around her to fuck with it. Lord knows this sister knows the importance of PrEP. She puts it to the test plenty enough! In her free time she enjoys suckling on the blood of Christ, eating Red Lobster cheddar bay biscuits out her boyfriend's bootyhole, and getting filled with the holy spirit over and over and over again until that holy ghost can't fill her anymore. She is kind. She is trashy. She is Leia.