Herding Cats.


The Novice Project of Sister Kitty Lickentwat



What is harder to do than herding cats? Herding Drag Nuns and Guards between events!

Sister Kitty has ties to many local organizations and was elected the Mistress of SheNUNigans during 2019. She made it her mission to create a consolidated calendar of events for the Space City Sisters.

You may think this sounds simple, but when Kitty sinks her teeth into something, she goes for it! Not only did the calendar provide a way to know what our next event or commitment was, it told you everything you needed to know in order to best contribute to that event!

THE WHO, what, when, where, and how of it all

Attending events within the community is great, but if you don’t know why you are there? Then are you evening nunning hard enough??!!

Kitty began researching each event and determining critical information that everynun should know: What is the event and its purpose; Who is hosting the event; Are funds being raised for any charities; Who are the key people we should know; How are we helping; and finally… what do we wear??!!

Kitty also implemented a way for every member of the house to submit potential events to the calendar as they come across them in the community. Kitty then triaged each event based on those key items above. The calendar is still in use as a key part of our ministry and is maintained by the Mistress/Lord of SheNUNigans.