Application for Full Profession
The space city sisters
While we may not be located in the middle of our street, our house is located in the 4th largest city in the United States: HOUSTON! Also known as H-Town, Screwston, Magnolia City, Clutch City, The Big Heart, City of Syrup, Energy Capital of the World, Bayou City, and of course… Space City. Home of NASA and Joel Osteen, we span the gamut!
Dubbed by too many news sources to count (as if Nuns can count anyway), as the most diverse city in the world, Houston is a beacon of the future. With over 140 languages spoken here, we are a city with no majority population.
Our mission
The Space City Sisters’ mission is to engage with the LGBTQ+ community in promoting diversity, bringing awareness to social causes and promoting safer sex practices while spreading universal joy and helping to expiate shame, guilt, and self-hatred.
If you would like to learn more, or if you just have a lot of time on your hands, please read more about our mission
The Space City Sisters have been on a mission to shake babies and kiss hands. Wait… Strike that! Reverse it! Since our formation as an aspiring house in August of 2018, we have just gained steam! We became a Mission House in December of 2018 and have grown from 5 founding members to 14!
Houston is not only the 4th largest and most diverse city in the United States, it’s also a fragmented city. Many groups are completely isolated from others due to race, religion, language, financial, or social barriers. We want to help change that by spreading love and joy. Maybe one person can’t change the world, but we think a few determined Drag Nuns can at least change Houston. We love our city. We love our neighbors. We love chocolate.
We are a house of theatre queens, video game nerds, porn aficionados, and professionals. While most of us have had experience in community organizing and activism, we know we are stronger together. We are a very cohesive house and believe that makes us not only unique, but a THREAT! You hear that, Loretta?!
While we love our jewels, and dresses, and feathers, we ain’t to proud to grab a thrift store dress and throw some glitter on it! Honey, dresses in our sizes can be hard to come by!
gucci, prada, pick and save
Our coronet has been an ongoing battle in the house! Will it be a leather muir cap to honor our strong leather community. Will it be a bucket of Popeye’s Chicken? Yes, we see your “11 herbs and spices”, Lexington!
But finally, we figured it out!
and who are you again?
Like we have done been said, we started with just 5 members and we keep growing! 11 novices, 2 postulants, and 3 aspirants! Bunnies don’t have squat on us!
With so many nunlings to keep track of, we had to elect a Board and Mistresses/Lords!
Find out more, if you dare!
who do you work for?!
Much like secret agents or lobbyists, we work for many different groups! Houston has plenty of organizations that need our help, and we are happy to oblige.
From HIV/AIDS related charities, homeless youth shelters, healthcare providers, and historical preservation groups, the Space City Sisters are here to help!
What have you done for me lately?
Ooh ooh ooh yeah!
We are some busy theydies and gentlethems! We try to spread ourselves WIDE to help anyone that needs a hand, and sometimes that means we don’t get to rest.
Whether you want to know what we have been up to or just just want to keep tabs on us due to your fear of clowns, we’ve got you covered!
heels on the ground
Workin’ them corners is sometimes a Nun’s only option. Other times, they come up with fabulous projects that help not only their house, but their community. Check out the projects our House has completed so far.
Sacred Glitter - Guard Marv’l Kahmic
Co-M0M’s Take Houston - Donna Giva-Fuk
Herding Cats - Sister Kitty Lickentwat
Texas Synod - Sister Sneakin’ DaBone
And that’s not all, folks! We have more Novice Projects in the works!
The Blue Ball - Guard Neil Gaymen
the legal stuff
While definitely not the most exciting of stuff, we did shed some tears as we hit these milestones. And when we ran out of Franzia.